Monday, July 21, 2008

Van Nuys Airport

Van Nuys Airport located in Van Nuys California, serves as a San Fernando Valley community resource, employing more than 10,000 Southern Californians and contributing over $1.2 billion annually in economical support. The airport was a stomping ground of inspiration from Orville and Wilbur Wright more than 100 years ago. The continuous growth amongst Van Nuys Airport and its sister airports, has catapulteded the Southern California region into the 20th century as a major player in the aviation and aerospace industry.

More than 100 businesses are located on the property, including five major fixed based operators and numerous aviation companies. It is amazing to see how the vision of the Wright Brothers gave birth to an entire industry on the assumption that flight was possible to man. This one assumption led them to create what was then called “a flying machine,” known today as the airplane, and this one assumption lives on today through the creative thought of evolution, manifesting itself in private jets and other high tech aviation creations.

FUN FACT: Did you know that, aviation pioneers like Amelia Earhart and Florence “Pancho” Barnes set speed flight records at the Van Nuys Airport ?

Airport Information

State - CA
Country - US
Runway Length - 8000
Runway Width -
Elevation - 799
Zulu Time - 7/21/2008 2:52:30 PM
Local Time - 7/21/2008 7:52:30 AM
Daylight Savings Observed - Y
Port of Entry – N

Airport Homepage: